Water Resources Are Depleting Day By Day In Several Localities, Canadian Clear Is Constantly Upgrading Its Expertise And Innovating Advanced Treatment Technologies Solutions Especially In Recycling Of Wastewater

Recycling and reuse of the existing water & wastewater is extremely important to protect our precious resources for domestic, agriculture, commercial and industries. CANADIAN CLEAR has vast experience on recycle/reuse projects and attaining a zero discharge from the municipal and industrial wastewater. Usages of treated wastewater has grown significantly in the last several years. The reuse alternative makes water more available, especially during droughts in some parts of the world, and curtails wastewater discharges into the environment. Treated water can meet a number of needs, particularly non-domestic ones such as irrigation, the replacement of drinking water for industrial uses and the injection and storage of water into underground aquifers after additional treatment.
In The Industrial Sector, Canadian Clear Is Focusing Of The Wastewater Reclamation, Reuses And Attaining A Zero Discharge From Various Industries Like Paper, Food & Beverages, Textiles, Tanneries, Chemicals, Pharma, Hydrocarbon Industry And More.
Our Vast Experience Is Continually Being Supplemented Through Intensive Research Work. Therefore, Apart From Standard Technical Processes, We Are Also Able To Offer Highly Efficient New Developments.
Canadian Clear Offers Mainly Offers The Following Key Solutions:
- Tertiary Filtrations
- Membrane Filtration
- An Mbr / Asp Mbr
- Catalytic Media
- Bio-filtration
- Silica And Hardness Pelletizers
- Mechanical Vapor Evaporators
- Solar Evaporation
- Thermal Evaporators, Crystallizers, Centrifuges
- Forced Air Evaporators
To Safeguard Public Health And Interest Of Industry Owners To Reuse The Treated Water, Operating Recycle Wastewater Treatment Plants Requires A High Degree Of Professionalism And Unfailing Reliability. Drawing On Our Experience Implementing Several Wastewater Recycling Projects In The Last 10 Years, We Provide Solutions That Are Both Safe, Non-Hazardous And Cost-effective.