Sewage Treatment Plants and Waste Water Treatment Plants are found all around the globe. And especially in today’s situation, with the continuous upsetting of our world’s ecological equilibrium and the ever increasing water shortages, the treatment of waste water and it’s recycling is important now more than ever. We must realize that our most important resource, the source of all life, cannot be wasted and squandered the way it is being done right now. As multiple nations find ways to confront climate change and the depletion of our resources, Sewage Treatment Plants and Waste Water Treatment plants are definitely pieces to the puzzle. With the help of these plants, the water can be reused and reutilized in multiple ways after processing.

In our mission to create the most efficient and viable Treatment plants in the world, we at Canadian Crystalline have developed upon and utilized the following technologies and processes for our treatment plants.

1. Aeration Process:
2. Membrane Bioreactor (MBR):
3. Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR):
Aeration Process:

The Aeration Process is simply put, the introduction of air into the waste-water to stimulate and catalyze vigorous biodegradation of the natural material present in the water. This is usually the first step in the treatment process. This is done to eliminate the disintegrated gases in the water, as well as oxidize and break down metals like Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide, as well as other Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs)

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR):

The Membrane Bioreactor helps in the basic separation of fluids from solids. This treatment cycle utilizes low-pressure MicroFiltration(MF) membranes as well as UltraFiltration(UF) membranes along with the use of natural treatment techniques. There are two kinds of frameworks utilized in MBR, which are Vaccuum(Gravity-Driven) and Pressure-Driven.

Moving Bed Bioreactor (MBBR):

The Moving Bed Bioreactor accomplishes a high amount of removal with low energy consumption. It is used in the elimination of natural substances, nitrification, and denitrification. The MBBR framework has an Ozone and Air circulation system. Here the muck is gathered in a reusable plastic transporter. These transporters are spacious and are ideal for contact with water, air and microbes. The microorganisms develop on the outside of these transporters and separate the natural matter from the wastewater. The air circulation framework helps in keeping the microorganisms active in the transporters.
